I’m in Portland now, getting ready for the upcoming festivities… so don’t expect much update in the next week or so 🙂
However, there are always observations to be made. As Walt just pointed out in his comment to my last entry, cakes change — and they are always changing. I bought a cake of the 2002 Mengku for my cousin a while ago when I was still in Beijing, and now it’s been here for…. 2 years or so. What I’ve noticed, when I tried it yesterday, it’s much sweeter and mellower than when I got it — less bitter, and more fragrant. I think the climate here works fairly well for aging puerh — a dry season in the summer, and a wet season during winter. The wet season here is wet enough so that the cakes are sufficiently moist, and then dries out a bit during the hotter months. In fact, I suspect the whole Pacific Northwest works fairly well, probably.
I wonder how my cakes in Hong Kong are doing.
2 responses so far ↓
Phyllo // July 22, 2008 at 6:18 pm |
Wait…is this the festivity that I should say to you cheerily: “Welcome to the Club!” ?
MarshalN // July 23, 2008 at 1:56 pm |
Yeah, I think so, at least it’s not “welcome to hell” 🙂