This pot’s clay is weirdly spotted. Mark is Wu Desheng zhi, with Wu Desheng being an outfit during the Republican period that made pots. 165ml.
I just found this blog when searching for ways to store lots of teapots and found your article "Teapot storage"…
5 responses so far ↓
Karl Drewke // October 2, 2016 at 2:51 pm |
Another wonderful pot. Thank you for continuing your sharing.
Hammock Man // October 4, 2016 at 7:39 am |
The design could be Wen Dan(grapefruit,pomelo) inspired.
Charles // October 17, 2016 at 8:59 pm |
I’ve been following your great blog for awhile now. I live in China and have been looking for some old school lightly roasted tieguanyin (green leaf with brownish edge like you described in an earlier post). I was wondering if you know of any online sources available to someone who can read Chinese or if you know of any shops in Guangzhou or Hong Kong? Are there any reputable taobao sources you have experience with? Cheers
MarshalN // October 29, 2016 at 3:00 am |
There are some shops in Hong Kong that does it. In fact all the older teashops in Hong Kong sell older style TGY because that’s what the locals normally prefer. I don’t know about sources on Taobao.
Fahad // December 4, 2020 at 6:26 pm |
Hi, I am wondering if you could guide to where I can get antique yixing. Thanks