I bought a new set of cups recently — a set of 4. Here’s one
Hand painted, methinks, since they are all substantially different (but same patterns). I think it’s actually quite old, at least a few decades. Stamped “Made in Hong Kong” of all places.
They’re actually big — almost 3 inches in diameter. I like bigger cups personally. I find not having to use a fairness cup much more convenient and just over all being a nicer thing to do. The presence of those fairness cups, now that I think about it, really detract from my enjoyment, for some odd reason. I must say I don’t find much of a difference between different kinds of cups, but once in a while, I do think different cups make a difference. Very small cups and larger ones do make a difference in how you perceive the tea — I think mostly it has to do with the nose and whether you’re smelling it while sipping, or not.
But I’m enjoying these cups today, drinking my aged dongding. One infusion, one cup… just the way I like it.
3 responses so far ↓
Anonymous // February 16, 2008 at 3:06 am |
Very nice. They do appear to be fairly old. Are there any bottom marks besides “Made in Hong Kong”? If they are quite dated, sometimes pieces are marked with the character representative of the particular dynasty which will give you an approximate age.
MarshalN // February 17, 2008 at 12:27 am |
No, nothing identifying the age, and definitely no Qing period (or earlier) marks.
iwii // February 17, 2008 at 5:20 am |
To me it looks a bit painted like the old wucai style from kangxi but a bit too charged, or ruancai, but it is probably not so old given your remark about the marks. Looks very nice anyway.