Nothing reminds me of the importance of other objective factors in tasting a tea than a completely changed environment. Slightly recharged with the first quality sleep in two days, I brewed some of my aged baozhong this morning. I used my new pot, local water, and bam…. the tea is very different!
I think the first few infusions resembled a good darjeeling, without the bitterness or the roughness. Anybody who didn’t know it’s an aged baozhong would’ve guessed it is darjeeling. I don’t know if it’s the water, the pot, or a combination thereof, but I never got this darjeeling sense when I had this tea in Taiwan.
Then, a little later, the tea turned into something more fruity. This part I’ve gotten in Taiwan, but not in the same way. The tea seems smoother. I think that might have to do with the pot. I can perhaps try doing this tea with a gaiwan and a pot…. but I don’t think I need to, because I’ll be making these things with my new pot anyway.
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