Today ended up being green tea day, which is rare. It’s mostly thanks to a teachat friend who sent me some tea in exchange for the loose aged puerh I sent him. The tea he sent me is called “Snow Monkey”, which is probably a name made up by whoever was selling it in the States to make it sound fancy. I much prefer the pinyin names that actually tell you what it is. As it is, I have to guess.
My guess is Huangshan Maofeng, since it tastes like a Huangshan Maofeng. Not overly fragrant, with a little bite that is distinctive, and it’s just that mixture of tastes that reminds me of Huangshan Maofeng. There’s an almost minty aftertaste, which was interesting. Green tea’s varieties are endless, and each and every one of them tastes somewhat different. It’s really hard to pinpoint what it is, especially if it doesn’t have a name and looks slightly generic. This one has some broken leaves and some buds. It’s not an early spring pick, but it is still buds. The colour of the leaves are a darker shade of green, and there are some hairs on some of the leaves — which doesn’t really yell “dragonwell” or “bilochun”.
I ended up drinking a second round, since one round of that Huangshan Maofeng didn’t feel enough (I suspect the vendor might have had it for a while). I ended up consuming a little of my mingqian Dragonwell. It’s now almost a year old, although I only opened the pack a few months ago. It’s still that nice green tea, very light in colour when brewed, but surprisingly flavourful. It’s not the most exciting thing, so I don’t drink it all that often. However, given how much it costs, I really should.
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