And what do I drink when I come back to my tea stash? Funny enough, it’s my cooked puerh, that 1kg monster brick.
I haven’t had it since the first time I tried it right after I purchased this brick. Tasting it now, after having had a few other cooked puerhs with L, I think I paid a pretty reasonable price for what it is. It’s not great, and it isn’t anywhere near a nice raw puerh, but it gets the job done… and I think is ultimately better for me in these cold winter days. After drinking young raw puerh sometimes I feel cold, but after this I don’t feel that way at all. It’s also easier on the stomach…
There are a whole bunch of stuff that I bought when I first got to Beijing that are now half a year older, such as the Mengku cakes that I haven’t tasted for at least a few months. Since I got some Mengku sample from Shanghai, I might test it against what I’ve got and see how they compare. That will be my next project.
But the next few days, my girlfriend will be visiting.
4 responses so far ↓
osososososos // January 24, 2007 at 10:24 am |
le sigh! back to scummy Beijing…i’m nearly fully recovered here; i just can’t seem to find where my hunger went. all the better.
I know Jackson told you I bought a clay pot, but you’ll be happy to know I did get some porcelain…at an antique shop! Two things are supposedly Ming but must be reproductions because what would they be doing in an antique shop on a shelf piled with other things? The other stuff was low-quality/damaged stuff from Mingguo. Nonetheless, real or not, it’s a good haul of cups, saucers, and a few plates. Still haven’t bought a gaiwan, but there’s time.
Best of luck spending time in BJ with your ladyfriend…
MarshalN // January 24, 2007 at 12:32 pm |
Yeah, Jax also told me about some puerh in some corner store. I was a little confused.
If you stay in Shanghai past Chinese New Year (I guess I’d recommend it — spending Chinese New Year all by yourself is rather sad) I will be back in town late Febuary.
osososososos // January 26, 2007 at 3:44 am |
jax was speaking probably of a tongching 1990s cake that was heavily wet stored. the store owner was convinced it was very old. we also went by the 6ftm store looking for the 2005 sheng/shou mixed tuocha, but they didn’t have any.
i won’t be in shanghai that long. it’s too cold for me. the sooner i get to Xishuangbanna the better. *brrr*
MarshalN // January 26, 2007 at 12:25 pm |
Ah…. I see. I’ve found a lot of the later Tongqing hao to be poorly stored, no doubt because they’ve all gone through Taiwan as the brand is now owned by some Taiwan guy, I think.
Aw, Shanghai’s not that cold