Another pot awaiting a big clean
Yes, it’s very dirty. The pot is covered in stains of some sort or another, and the inside of the pot is filthy
This is, supposedly anyway, a Tiehuaxuan pot from the Republican period. Is it authentic? I can’t say for sure (few things are “for sure” in the teapot world). I can say though the little lion on top of the lid is much better done than most of the other ones I’ve seen. I usually am no fan of this design, but this pot caught my eye.
For the cleaning this time, I’m going to try something new
Yup, you read that right. Let’s see how it turns out.
4 responses so far ↓
Anonymous // March 18, 2009 at 10:24 am |
You might have a pot addiction.
This must be what they mean by “The pot calling the kettle black.”
mulcahyfeldman // March 19, 2009 at 3:28 pm |
Tea pot addiction is far better, I think, than the other pot addiction. This is an absolutely beautiful pot to my eyes, foo dog and all. And a smiling foo dog at that! Smiling at his nice new home and soon to be beautiful pot. I’d smile too. eileen
Patina | A Tea Addict's Journal // May 29, 2012 at 3:18 am |
[…] work and will always look fake, lacking the natural lustre of tea. My lion pot, for example, was really dirty when I bought it. I cleaned it. Then, after a few years of use, it is now dirtier again – but […]
Skip T // May 21, 2013 at 5:21 am |
It looks good to me.