Yesterday I had a black and a white tea, which made for an interesting contrast, I suppose, although really, they are all just shades of brown.
The black is an assam given to me by Mr. Lochan of Lochantea. It brews great in a cup, with nice caramel aromas and soft body. It gets a bit tannic after sitting in the cup for some time, but for the first few minutes the tea is quite drinkable, and great for a cold, snowy day, as we just had recently.
The white is a silver needles from Adagio. It’s being served in a cafe in our undergrad library’s cafe, and it’s the only non-adulterated tea in their offerings. They gave me probably what amounted to 1.5g of tea in a pretty big cup, which brewed a fairly flavourless cup of tea. On the bright side, it’s really not too bad, and serves up a good cup of sweet, flavoured water…. but not much of a tea. I needed more leaves.
I’m flying back tomorrow to Beijing, so not much is happening, tea wise, as I rush to do last minute things. There are only very few things I miss from Beijing, Maliandao being one of them.
I’ll report back once I get on the ground again
2 responses so far ↓
mahai217 // April 6, 2007 at 8:26 am |
Hate to break it to you but X*nga is being blocked. I use pagewashdotcom to get through. Have a safe trip!
MarshalN // April 7, 2007 at 3:16 am |
Ah, but see, my school offers us a VPN client that allows me to bypass the net nannies!!!!