After my tea this morning, I felt infinitely better. In fact, I’m feeling quite normal now.
Maybe all I missed was just tea. Forget about sleeping 24 hours. Forget about medicine. Tea is magic!
After my tea this morning, I felt infinitely better. In fact, I’m feeling quite normal now.
Maybe all I missed was just tea. Forget about sleeping 24 hours. Forget about medicine. Tea is magic!
Categories: Misc · Old Xanga posts
Tagged: musings
administration aged oolong aged puerh black tea books chaozhou chawan Chinese oolong cooked puerh cups Curated Samples dancong friends gaiwan grandpa green tea health heicha history Indian oolong Japanese tea Korea musing musings retaste project shopping silver skills storage Taiwan oolong Taobao teabags teaware tests tetsubin tieguanyin tokoname traditional stored puerh travel water white tea wuyi yancha yixing Yixing Inventory young puerh
I just found this blog when searching for ways to store lots of teapots and found your article "Teapot storage"…
Just want to add that I still sometimes go over your backlog again, even having read most posts—so really appreciate…
I'm still reading all your posts and a new one invariably makes my day! This is definitely something I need…
Glad to see you still posting and enjoying tea. This blog is a valuable resource for new tea heads and…
Hi Marshall, Thank you for still keeping this up and running. As a new to tea enthusiast I appreciate the…
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