Cloudstea just reminded me of something I looked at yesterday while at Maliandao. Since new comments don’t really show up anywhere other than with the original post, probably all of you will miss it (with the silly 5 post per page limit that Xanga imposes on me).
I flipped through the Puerh Yearbook 1998-2003, written by Chen Zhitong, for verification of the Yichang Hao I tasted in Paris. I was less than 100% sure of its provenance, and it turns out to be from 2001, not 1999, as I erronously thought. I thought about buying the book, but I know I could get it for less in Hong Kong. Here at Beijing they’re charging like 20% over what they would in Hong Kong. I don’t feel like paying a premium :(.
You can find the original post here.
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