The Japanese call all red clays “zhuni” but it really just means something red, not the specific type of clay that Chinese call zhuni. This pot is one of the types that I’m a real sucker for – pots that show you some sign of its construction. The box says “red clay teapot”. No marks. 150ml.
Entries tagged as ‘Yixing Inventory’
Yixing inventory #5: “Red clay teapot”, no marks
August 13, 2016 · 1 Comment
Categories: Objects
Tagged: teaware, yixing, Yixing Inventory
Yixing inventory #4: Changxi
August 10, 2016 · 4 Comments
Seals can have some pretty creative types that make them hard to read. This one is one such case. It’s hard to make out what the seal says, so my best guess is chenxi, but it could really be other things. EDIT: Someone who knows this stuff better than I do claims it’s changxi. To call this lid loose is being generous – it’s practically falling off. It comes in a nice wooden box. The words on it says “cannon spout” “white clay kyusu”. The box is from Japan but the pot I believe is a yixing. 135ml.
Categories: Objects
Tagged: teaware, yixing, Yixing Inventory
Yixing inventory #3: Zongyuan (SÅgen?) jingzhi
August 8, 2016 · 3 Comments
Technically this probably isn’t a yixing at all. This is a pot made in the style of yixing teapots with an interesting white/gray coloured clay. The construction suggests that it’s probably wheel thrown with a clay that was considerably more liquid than typical yixing clay before firing. It’s probably a good example of karamono – literally “Chinese things” but in reality often just wares made in the Chinese style. The mark is “SÅgen seisei” if read in Japanese or “Zongyuan jingzhi” in Chinese. I couldn’t find any info on the name other than in an auction catalogue from Fukuoka in 2014 that also lists a pot with the same mark and white clay. No pictures there though. 135ml.
Categories: Objects
Tagged: teaware, yixing, Yixing Inventory
Yixing inventory #2: Mengchen Changji
August 7, 2016 · 3 Comments
This is one of those pots with a carved line of poetry on the bottom. The seal under the handle is also “Changji” and the line roughly translates to “Fullness of fragrance within” with the two extra characters being the name Mengchen, which is often the name used for pots even though none of them are ever really made by the famous maker of the same name. Also bears the seal “shuiping” under the lid. Thin walls. 85 ml.
Categories: Objects
Tagged: teaware, yixing, Yixing Inventory
Yixing inventory #1: Shaojinyouji changji
August 1, 2016 · 2 Comments
I need to start taking inventory of my teapots, because it’s gotten a little out of control and am preparing to move again in less than a year. Instead of doing it privately, perhaps I can post them here one by one. Before anyone asks, no, these things in my inventory are not going to be for sale. I am planning on selling some excess teaware that I no longer use – mostly gaiwan, cups, Japanese kyusus, that sort of thing. That will appear later as I try to gather and sort them.
Anyway, in no particular order. This is 135ml to the brim, stamped with “shuiping” under the lid, “changji” under the handle, and “Shaojinyouji” under the base.
Categories: Objects
Tagged: teaware, yixing, Yixing Inventory
I just found this blog when searching for ways to store lots of teapots and found your article "Teapot storage"…