Yes, this is the third so far I’ve posted with the same wooden chop “gongju”. After you see enough of these you start to get a sense of the different makers’ styles. Gongju wooden stamped ones like these tend to have a thin spout relative to the body, with an angled cut at the tip of the spout, and thin handles. The lip on the lid is short. They often pour a bit slow because of the smaller spout, which may or may not be a good thing depending on your needs. 160ml.

3 responses so far ↓
Tobias Müller // November 2, 2016 at 5:43 pm |
Dear Marshal, just a question in common: how do you use your pots? As you have strong Patina
on all your pots, do you just pour water on your pots on a teaboat, or do you use such plates to put
the pot on and leave them in the liquid? On some pots that I use more often, a beginning surface appears but looks more shiny, a bit more cristal. not a dark and more organic material as one would expect with pu´erh… do you know this? Greeting! Tobias
MarshalN // November 11, 2016 at 11:59 am |
Sorry, didn’t see your comment until now – actually a lot of these patina I didn’t make myself, but came as I am buying old pots. If you want it really shiny, you just polish the pot a lot with a wet cloth. It’ll get shiny in no time, although I personally don’t like that look. If you want it dull, then just keep using it – it’ll eventually get aged and change to a darker colour.
F // March 9, 2020 at 12:37 am |
If I am not wrong the slanted angle of the spout is the result of them breaking or being chipped and then sanded straight. The spout on these is normally very pointy and easy to get damaged. You can probably see that if you use sodium percarbonate to deep clean them.