This is one of those pots with no marks. I like these a lot. 95ml.
I just found this blog when searching for ways to store lots of teapots and found your article "Teapot storage"…
This is one of those pots with no marks. I like these a lot. 95ml.
Categories: Objects
Tagged: teaware, yixing, Yixing Inventory
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I just found this blog when searching for ways to store lots of teapots and found your article "Teapot storage"…
Just want to add that I still sometimes go over your backlog again, even having read most posts—so really appreciate…
I'm still reading all your posts and a new one invariably makes my day! This is definitely something I need…
Glad to see you still posting and enjoying tea. This blog is a valuable resource for new tea heads and…
Hi Marshall, Thank you for still keeping this up and running. As a new to tea enthusiast I appreciate the…
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2 responses so far ↓
Von Monstro // September 8, 2016 at 1:06 pm |
Little shuiping style pots like this are my favorites as well.
Hector Konomi // September 8, 2016 at 4:31 pm |
This one seems like it came from the WWI trenches. 🙂