A fellow drinker way back in 2005/6 was hster, whom some of you may remember from the LJ Puerh Tasteoff that BBB organized back in the day. Seems like hster has restarted a blog after a long absence from the online tea scene, and has posted, among other things, some sage advice for those just starting out. It’s worth taking a look here.
I just found this blog when searching for ways to store lots of teapots and found your article "Teapot storage"…
1 response so far ↓
Hster // May 30, 2012 at 11:07 pm |
Thank you thank you! I was giggling with pride yesterday telling my husband that “the Professor” said I had “sage advice” but you are too kind. I still am confused on matters of sheng but now I am more or less content to accept that I may be just a beginner even after a lifetime of drinking. I have read and reread your “Learning Curve” post which gave me much food for thought about where I am trying to go with this hobby. In the end, I decided the enjoyment through sharing with others (friends and through virtual community) as being what was most important to me. Although I had a wee-bit fantasy of being the pu-erh yoda of Berkeley in my old age, I’m not ashamed to approach tea drinking subjectively. Thank you for everything you have taught me through your writing.